The Purpose of Athletics at Regis High School
As ONE TEAM, we strive to succeed in athletics through the development of student’s who belong to a community that Develops Disciples of Christ so that they may have a full chance at Life, and who Joyfully and Consistently:
Demonstrate Personal Accountability
Value Teammates, Coaches & Community
Demonstrate Resilience and Continuous Learning
Regis High School strives to encourage sportsmanship throughout its athletic programs. The school expects all parents and spectators to be respectful of opponents, players, coaches, and officials. Therefore, as the parent of a Regis student-athlete, I (and my guest) agree to the following:
I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect for and courtesy to all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other sporting events
I will not engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct with officials, coaches, players, parents or opposing teams. I will not argue with or berate a coach, game official, student-athlete, or fan from Regis High or opposing school.
I will not coach my student-athlete or any other players during practices, games or other Regis Ram events.
I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win
I will not use profane or offensive language or gestures at any Regis High athletic practice, game or sporting event
I will remain in the spectator’s area and will not enter the playing area or locker room during any practice or competition, before and after contests, except with the explicit permission of a Regis High coach, Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer or on-site administrator
I will support and encourage student-athletes to follow the rules and behavioral guidelines as published in the Regis High Student-Parent Handbook.
When a situation or conflict arises, I will follow these guidelines:
1) My student-athlete child will first discuss the concern with the coach.
2) If the coach/student-athlete meeting does not clear the situation, I will respectfully bring my concerns to the coach in a timely manner. The student-athlete must be present with the parent during the parent-coach meeting.
3) Parents who wish to meet with the coach shall contact the coach and set a time to meet. Meeting times to be avoided: Either immediately prior to or immediately after a contest. During an active practice session. During a time when other students are present or when the discussion is readily visible or audible by others. When it’s apparent that there is not sufficient time to allow for a complete discussion.
4) If further discussion is necessary, the Athletic Director/Administrator is the next contact.
I will support and encourage student-athletes to follow the rules and behavioral guidelines as published in the Regis Student-Parent and Athletic Handbooks.